John top right and Douglas bottom left at Mackie FP 40th Anniversary
Update: John’s Funeral will take place at Seafield Crematorium at 1000 on Friday 29 May. COVID restrictions mean that attendance at the ceremony will not be possible. Consequently, for those wishing to pay their respects the cortege will drive along Inverleith Place towards the Stand before turning into Inverleith Row and heading towards Ferry Road. The approximate time will be 0920.
John Mackie died suddenly on the 19th May. He was a dear friend, my Best Man and a club mate. He had an acerbic wit and was one of the most intelligent guys I know. John, a former pupil of the school was a life member of the rugby club. He was a key member of the Club’s fabric committee and he ably supported me when I was Secretary of the Club.
We met at the age of 6 at Heriots. John had a successful academic career and excelled at rugby. He was an outstanding prop for the school 1stXV. John left Heriot’s to study architecture at The Edinburgh Art College graduating B Arch Hons in 1974. John married Liz in 1973. Shortly after graduating he and Liz followed me and my wife, Rosemary, to the North East of Scotland to work with Aberdeen architects Michael Shewan and subsequently Covell Mathews. In 1986 he returned to Edinburgh to set up his own practice. Thereafter he established a successful property development business.
John and I were founder members of the Mackie Academy FP RFC in the late 70’s. John passed on his propping skills to young lads new to the game, first by example at the coal face and then as their coach. During that period, Mackie FP played host to various visiting Heriot’s sides – often resulting in unbridled mischief. Just ask the Bear!
Standing beside John at a match or in the bar was usually educational and always a hilarious experience and one which I know all his Heriot’s friends will miss greatly.
John leaves his wife, Liz, their sons Christopher and Gregor , daughters -in – law Julie and Lisa their three much loved grandchildren, Emma, Adam and Daniel and his brother Bryan who along with his wife Elaine and their two daughters Kate and Gillian I know will miss him very much.
Douglas Bruce

This is a very sad loss for Heriot’s rugby. John often held strong opinions, and expressed them trenchantly with a pawky sense of humour. I’ll greatly miss his presence at Goldenacre. My sincerest condolences to all his family.