Our Youth Section (S1-S6) formed in 2018 as a development from Heriot’s and Stew Mel Mini Rugby Teams, however we invite new players from any club or school.
We have SRU certified coaches who can help players develop their skills. All our coaches are PVG licenced.
We have a strategic player development pathway with a season plan based around top quality fixtures, specialist skills sessions, performance workshops and tours.
Training is on Sundays at 11am.
Players must only play contact rugby with players of their own age grade unless the player is permitted to play outside it. In exceptional cases, a player’s physical development, skill level and experience may be such that the player may be allowed to participate in a higher age grade.
An U16 player’s age grade is determined by whether they were born on or between 1 September – 31 August at the beginning of each season. That age grade applies for the whole season. National and Regional Representation cut-off dates are 1 January.
Medical research into boys’ rugby strongly indicates that there is an increased risk of serious injury when U16 players play U18 rugby. It is Scottish Rugby’s policy that the age at which male players are allowed to play U18 rugby is 16 years old.
For further information please email: enquiries@heriotsrugbyclub.co.uk