Enterprising Heriot’s players look to donate products from lock down start-up

When lock down began, Heriot’s players Oisin Quinn and Ben Chalmers saw the need for medical grade products in the fight against coronavirus and founded Pristine Hygiene.

The young entrepreneurs are committed to getting the workforce back in a safe environment and wish to donate 10 percent of their sales of the liquid hand sanitiser to organisations in the community that require it most.

It has been a steep learning curve for the pair, who have worked long hours, to develop a brand and product range, which they launched at the start of May.

‘‘Because we are a small start-up, we have had to do most of this ourselves. Every day is a learning day for us, full of calls and meetings, learning from each call I make’’ Oisin said.

As a dentist with Long & Gilmour in Bo’ness, Oisin’s medical knowledge has helped guide the business partners through the process of sourcing and making a local product.

‘‘The product is the same high quality that I use every day in my practice. I never want to ruin my reputation as a healthcare professional by selling something less than the highest-quality product,’’ he said.

Oisin (left), with Murrayside Care Home Business Administrator Karol Sierpinski, donating hand sanitiser for staff and residents.

The alcohol is sourced from a distillery north of Inverness and the hand sanitiser made and bottled in Edinburgh at Young Spirits.

The hand sanitiser is made to World Health Organisation formula, at 80% alcohol, paired with refillable, spray-top dispensers, available in three sizes.

Pristine Hygiene is also working with businesses to create their own branded hand sanitiser to keep staff and customers safe as coronavirus restrictions are lifted and can be used as a branding and marketing tool.

‘‘We don’t do anything fancy with our hand sanitiser, it does what it says on the tin – no scents, no dyes, no additives – kills the virus within five seconds,’’ Oisin said.

‘‘Hand hygiene is the number one way to stop the spread of coronavirus and being able to wash your hands is not always available – hand sanitiser is the most convenient way to ensure adequate hand hygiene.’’

Organisations that require their own branded hand sanitiser or a donation of hand sanitiser can contact Pristine Hygiene at info@pristinehygiene.co.uk . 

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